Any attempt to copy, reproduce, share, modify, plagiarize or disseminate, for profit or other, Cleveland Flag intellectual property, graphic or written, requires the express, prior and written permission of Cleveland Flag. Any attempt to copy, reproduce, share, modify, plagiarize or disseminate, for profit or other, Cleveland Flag intellectual property may result in legal action.
Any permission given to display or share Cleveland Flag intellectual property requires proper attribution to Cleveland Flag. The work presented herein may not be used for commercial purposes of financial gain.
The work is protected under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0—a Creative Commons, attribution, non-commercial, co derivatives, 4.0, international license. Flag designs or other creative work from Cleveland Flag or Insomniac Studios may not be copied or reproduced in any form.
All the designs presented on this website (Cleveland Flag) and its corresponding social media accounts, in print or online, are the sole protected and copyrighted intellectual property of Cleveland Flag and Insomniac Studios.