cleveland flag
about flag 13
This simple and modern new city flag design celebrates Cleveland’s passion and pride; its progress and prosperity.
The flag features two bold stripes, one red, the other blue, moving diagonally upward from the lower left (hoist) to the upper right (fly) on a white field. A white, five-point star sits atop the red and blue stripes at the flag’s center.
The white field represents the city’s future. It is a large, blank canvas on which the city’s hopes and goals can be written.
Above all, Cleveland believes in itself. Cleveland is a city of optimism. Underneath Cleveland’s gruff and grumble self-deprecating exterior is a belief that things will get better. Clevelanders believe in their city. They believe in their community. They believe in hard work. The city didn’t earn the nickname “Believeland” for nothing, after all.
Atop the white field, two twin stripes race upward—signifying growth and positivity. The red stripe stands for Cleveland’s passion and progress. Cleveland is a creative, dynamic town, filled with problem solvers and entrepreneurs. The blue stripe is for the city’s pride and prosperity. Cleveland residents are fiercely proud of their hometown. Cleveland’s economy is on the rise, too. After decades of financial hardship, new ideas, new innovations and a new attitude are bringing economic growth to the city.
The white star at the flag’s center is for the Cleveland community and their hope and optimism.
The red, white and blue colors connect the Cleveland flag to both the United States of America and Ohio flags. The contemporary design, however, makes this flag design uniquely Cleveland.
This new Cleveland flag redesign is built on a 1:6 grid. See how this exciting new Cleveland flag design compares to Ohio's other city flags.