cleveland flag
about flag 04
This Cleveland flag design celebrates Cleveland's longtime moniker: the best location in the nation.
Due to its location on Lake Erie at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River, Cleveland was once a major port for the steel and heavy manufacturing industries. Today, manufacturing is still a part of Cleveland’s economy, but the city also exports advancements in healthcare and technology all over the world.
Cleveland's downtown is a revitalized city center with opportunities for business and residents alike. The arts, entertainment, food and brewing now drive a prosperous tourism industry. There is a new wave of energy and opportunity in Cleveland today.
The flag's colors are straightforward: the blue field represents Lake Erie. The green field is for Cleveland's nature parks. White represents optimism and Cleveland's bright future.
The coastline, in white, is stylized to evoke a surging wave crest. This wave shape represents the waters of Lake Erie, but also the wave of change and optimism that has renewed Cleveland. The circle and eight-point star marks Cleveland's location on the coast and its prominence as an Ohio and U.S. city. The eight-point star points north to Lake Erie, and east and west to Cleveland's suburbs.
This Cleveland flag redesign is built on a 1:4 grid. Scroll down for the flag’s alternate color scheme. Compare this new Cleveland flag to other Ohio city flags.
alternate colors
This is an alternate red, white and blue version of the fourth Cleveland flag design. Much of the flag's description and symbolism remains the same, while the color meaning changes. Like the green, white and blue flag above, this Cleveland flag design also celebrates Cleveland's moniker as the ‘best location in the nation.’
The blue field represents Lake Erie. The red field is for Clevelander's passion and devotion to their city. White represents optimism and Cleveland's bright future.